Jonathan Catlett


Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania, Forum Homepage

Delmar, New York

Delmar, NY map Current weather forecast for Delmar, NY

Albany County

Population in July 2007: 8,420.
Males: 3,997   (47.5%)
Females: 4,423   (52.5%)
Median resident age:   42.8 years
New York median age:   35.9 years

Zip codes: 12054.

Estimated median household income in 2006: $76,600 (it was $64,437 in 2000)
Delmar   $76,600
New York:   $51,384

Estimated median house/condo value in 2006: $227,700 (it was $146,700 in 2000)
Delmar   $227,700
New York:   $303,400
Races in Delmar:
  • White Non-Hispanic (95.6%)
  • Hispanic (1.2%)
  • Black (1.2%)
  • Two or more races (0.6%)

2008 cost of living index in Delmar: 93.1 (less than average, U.S. average is 100)

Ancestries: Irish (27.0%), German (20.8%), English (16.9%), Italian (13.3%), Polish (4.3%), French (4.2%).

Current Local Time: 10:47:05 AMEST time zone

Land area: 4.38 square miles.

Population density: 1922 people per square mile 

Delmar,NY real estate house value index trend

Delmar, New York map

For population 25 years and over in Delmar

  • High school or higher: 96.5%
  • Bachelor's degree or higher: 60.9%
  • Graduate or professional degree: 34.8%
  • Unemployed: 2.0%
  • Mean travel time to work: 19.1 minutes

For population 15 years and over in Delmar CDP

  • Never married: 18.6%
  • Now married: 64.9%
  • Separated: 1.6%
  • Widowed: 7.6%
  • Divorced: 7.4%

567 residents are foreign born (2.8% Europe, 2.3% Asia, 0.8% Latin America, 0.8% North America).

This place:   6.8%
New York:   20.4%

According to our research there were 3 registered sex offenders living in Delmar, New York in early 2007.
The ratio of number of residents in Delmar to the number of sex offenders is 2807 to 1.
The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this place is smaller than the state average.

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2000:

Delmar:   2.4% ($3,457)
New York:   1.9% ($2,847)
Delmar satellite photo by USGS

Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Albany, NY (4.8 miles , pop. 95,658).

Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Bronx, NY (122.5 miles , pop. 1,332,650).

Nearest cities: Bethlehem, NY (1.3 miles ), Albany, NY (4.8 miles ), Westmere, NY (5.8 miles ), Voorheesville, NY (6.7 miles ), New Scotland, NY (6.8 miles ), Colonie, NY (7.1 miles ), Rensselaer, NY (7.3 miles ), Hampton Manor, NY (7.6 miles ).

Latitude: 42.62 N, Longitude: 73.84 W

Daytime population change due to commuting: -1,589 (-19.2%)
Workers who live and work in this place: 770 (17.8%)

42 people in homes for the mentally retarded
10 people in training schools for juvenile delinquents

Area code commonly used in this area: 518

Delmar household income distribution Delmar home values distribution


Delmar races chart

Professional, scientific, and technical services

Average climate in Delmar, New York

Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations

Delmar, New York average temperatures Delmar, New York average precipitation
Delmar, New York humidity
Delmar, New York wind speed
Delmar, New York snowfall
Delmar, New York sunshine
Delmar, New York clear and cloudy days

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Delmar-area historical tornado activity is above New York state average. It is 38% smaller than the overall U.S. average.

On 7/10/1989, a category 4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 21.2 miles away from the Delmar place center injured 20 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages.

On 8/28/1973, a category 4 tornado 31.7 miles away from the place center killed 4 people and injured 36 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages.

Delmar topographic map
Hospitals/medical centers near Delmar:


Airports certified for carrier operations nearest to Delmar:
  • ALBANY INTL (about 9 miles; ALBANY, NY; ID: ALB)
Other public-use airports nearest to Delmar:
  • SOUTH ALBANY (about 5 miles; SOUTH BETHLEHEM, NY; ID: 4B0)
  • WELLS (about 16 miles; SCHENECTADY, NY; ID: 94D)

Amtrak stations near Delmar:
  • 7 miles: ALBANY-RENSSELAER (RENSSELAER, 555 EAST ST.). Services: ticket office, partially wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, snack bar, ATM, free short-term parking, free long-term parking, call for car rental service, taxi stand, public transit connection.
  • 16 miles: SCHENECTADY (332 ERIE BLVD.). Services: ticket office, fully wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, vending machines, ATM, free short-term parking, free long-term parking, call for car rental service, taxi stand, public transit connection.

Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Delmar:
  • SUNY AT ALBANY (about 6 miles; ALBANY, NY; Full-time enrollment: 14,168)
  • EXCELSIOR COLLEGE (about 6 miles; ALBANY, NY; FT enrollment: 7,096)
  • THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (about 6 miles; ALBANY, NY; FT enrollment: 3,116)
  • SIENA COLLEGE (about 8 miles; LOUDONVILLE, NY; FT enrollment: 3,001)
  • SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (about 16 miles; SCHENECTADY, NY; FT enrollment: 2,316)
  • UNION COLLEGE (about 17 miles; SCHENECTADY, NY; FT enrollment: 2,315)
  • RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE (about 17 miles; TROY, NY; FT enrollment: 7,150)
Public high school in Delmar:
Public elementary/middle schools in Delmar:
Private elementary/middle schools in Delmar:
  • ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL (Students: 271; Location: 42 ADAMS PLACE; Grades: PK - 8)
  • BLOSSOMS MONTESSORI LEARNING (Students: 50; Location: 56 HUDSON AVE BOX 233; Grades: PK - KG)
Library in Delmar:
  • BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY (Operating income: $2,666,140; Location: 451 DELAWARE AVENUE; 134,745 books; 5,404 audio materials; 4,365 video materials; 274 serial subscriptions)

User submitted facts and corrections:
  • St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, NY (about 4 miles) Glenmont Elementary School (about 3 miles) added by Suzi

Delmar map

Click to draw/clear place borders

Notable location: Normanside Country Club (A). Display/hide its location on the map

Cemetery: Bethlehem Cemetery (1). Display/hide its location on the map


Drinking water stations with addresses in Delmar and their reported violations in the past:

BETHLEHEM WD NO 1 - CLAPPER ROAD (Address: 445 Delaware Ave, Population served: 730, Purch_surface_water):
Past health violations:
  • MCL, Average - Between JAN-2005 and MAR-2005, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (MAR-25-2005)
Drinking water stations with addresses in Delmar that have no violations reported:
  • BETHLEHEM WD NO 1 - NEW SALEM SYSTEM (Population served: 31000, Primary Water Source Type: Surface_water)

Average household size:
This place:   2.4 people
New York:   2.6 people

Percentage of family households:
This place:   69.4%
Whole state:   65.7%

Percentage of households with unmarried partners:
This place:   3.5%
Whole state:   5.4%

Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)
  • Lesbian couples: 0.4% of all households
  • Gay men: 0.2% of all households

Residents with income below the poverty level in 1999:
This place:   2.4%
Whole state:   14.6%

Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 1999:
This place:   1.0%
Whole state:   7.4%

Delmar compared to New York state average:
  • Median household income above state average.
  • Median house value above state average.
  • Unemployed percentage below state average.
  • Black race population percentage significantly below state average.
  • Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average.
  • Median age significantly above state average.
  • Renting percentage below state average.
  • Number of rooms per house above state average.
  • Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher significantly above state average.

Delmar travel time to work

Delmar mode of transportation to work chart

7.05% of this county's 2006 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2005 ($37,646 average adjusted gross income)

Here:   7.05%
New York average:   5.41%

0.17% of residents moved from foreign countries ($226 average AGI)
Albany County:   0.17%
New York average:   0.24%

Top counties from which taxpayers relocated into this county between 2005 and 2006:
from Rensselaer County, NY  1.31% ($35,333 average AGI)
from Saratoga County, NY  0.81% ($40,884)
from Schenectady County, NY  0.73% ($40,505)

7.18% of this county's 2005 resident taxpayers moved to other counties in 2006 ($42,910 average adjusted gross income)

Here:   7.18%
New York average:   6.26%

0.06% of residents moved to foreign countries ($240 average AGI)
Albany County:   0.06%
New York average:   0.10%

Top counties to which taxpayers relocated from this county between 2005 and 2006:
to Rensselaer County, NY  1.34% ($37,596 average AGI)
to Schenectady County, NY  0.92% ($40,022)
to Saratoga County, NY  0.90% ($49,530)